So, when you find out you're having your fifth girl, you kinda start to wonder what you're going to do to set this one apart. Well, I found a little help on pinterest -
here, and
here. In fact, I probably found and pinned these maternity gowns before I even knew I was having another girl, but I was certain I wanted to sew one of these babies once I knew it was a girl. It just seemed like an appropriate way to make this baby doll's entrance into the world a little more special, and well, let's face it - why not look good (or at least BETTER) by trying to spruce myself up with a bit of color for those post labor pictures. So here's the finished product.
It seemed that all of the pictures I found sported a sash around the waist and while I never wore it during labor, it's pretty essential for pictures to help define that baby bump.
I decided to go for a sleeveless version after I followed the free pattern for a hospital gown found at
Lazy Girl Designs and found that it pretty much looked like a big sack - which is just what hospital gowns look like, but certainly not the look I was going for. So I used their pattern - did I mention it's free? and then... I took my scissors to it. And I basically cut it down to the size of the dress shown in the picture below with an allowance for the seem. Yes, it was bold. No, it was not perfect. But hey, most people don't sew these days, so most people were easily distracted by the matching headband and flower sash.
Here's a picture of it "in action", actually at the hospital. Couple of things you should know if you undertake this feat. It cost me about $35 by the time it was all said and done. Yes, I used coupons. Yes, I got nearly everything on sale, that's just how much it was. No, you still cannot buy one for that, but for a hospital gown that's still pretty pricey for Miss Thrifty. I'm still considering cutting it up and making dresses for the girls out of it.