My niece is turning two in a week and I'd pinned an outfit nearly identical to this months ago in anticipation of this big day. My little pumpkin is a bit bigger than my niece, so hopefully it'll fit her for a good long time. One of the nice things about having five girls is that I pretty much always have a mannequin to size my creations.
I'm really loving the rolled fabric clip in the shape of Minnie - I found a tutorial that made it "oh so simple".
I'm just happy that I was able to get it done in time, now getting it in the mail is another story. I can't stand shipping things. I'm not sure what it is about wrapping up a package, addressing it and actually getting it in the mail, but I fail at this on a regular basis. My poor sister got her birthday present late (not because I didn't mail it on time, but because of the post office) and inside the package were 6 or so belated thank you notes and general letters for another niece that my girls had written over the past two years that I had never mailed. I buy my stamps at Costco, so I can't even say that it's a lack of postage that keeps me from mailing them - just a mental block. Whatever. I'll get this little outfit wrapped up and out to the post office on Tuesday and hopefully my niece will be enjoying it by the weekend.
turned out so cute!!